FOCUSED ON the Wellbeing of each individual dog.

prescott dog care services, llc

Chicago, IL

ENrichment Walks focusED on meeting your dog’s needS

Prescott Dog Care Services, LLC focuses on the happiness of your dog, building a trusting relationship and helping to meet the needs of your dog. These are individual walks guided by the personality of your dog and based on their individual needs.

Walks may include reinforcement of training skills that help navigate city streets, overall communication with your dog, and/or redirection to decrease the stress level of reactive or nervous dogs.

Prescott Dog Care Services offers experienced, reliable, trustworthy service, from a compassionate and empathetic dog lover who carefully watches body language and follows the latest science about dog behavior and positive reinforcement training.



  • Dog Enrichment Walks

    Walks are offered in increments of 25 min, 40 min, and 60 min. Walks are engaging and focused on the needs and interests of your dog. You will receive a detailed report after each walk, paired with photos (as the opportunity presents itself).


  • Vacation Care

    Vacation Care includes 4-5 walks per day with occasional field trips to parks and private play groups. The comfort, safety and happiness of your dog is our priority and we provide enrichment based on the needs of your dog. Games, puzzles and toys are also included. Dogs must be able to be alone for 4-5 hours. You will receive reports on how they are doing with photos. Availability is limited. Contact Naomi for scheduling availability and competitive rates.